Friday, September 4, 2015

Are you a stumbling block?

Romans 14:13 "Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling-block or an occasion to fail in his brother's way."

We are constantly being looked to, asked questions etc. by those who are younger than us sometimes even by our piers and older people. So as you go through life are you being a stepping stone or a stumbling block?

As we go through our life the way we live, what we say, how we dress, our faithfulness to church, our lives in general will either cause one to stumble or it will provide a stepping stone for one to follow in your foot steps. You say, "I don't want anyone following in my steps." Friend I'm sorry but there are people all over that are watching and deciding one of two things:
1. I want to be like that person or even follow in the same direction.
2 OR I would never follow him/her!
Which are you?  

Who is in your life that was a stepping stone for you? stumbling block?

I personally would want to be a stepping stone. Why?
I have 5 children whom I've been raising 1 is now married and 2 are in Bible college, while 2 are still at home. Do I want to live my life so that I would possibly cause them to stray from what we've tried to teach and train them? Or do I want to make sure all I say and do is Christ honoring so that they have a better chance of staying on the right path so to speak.
This is just an example of why I don't want to be a stumbling block.
Your choice --- make the right one.

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