Saturday, October 13, 2012

Who's your only hope?

Psalm 68:13, 119:105
I Corinthians 15:54-55
II Corinthians 3:18

These passages go along with this thought:

You are my only hope
for all things that endure:
For silver wings that fly me to freedom
For golden light that illumines my path
For eternal life that negates the sting of death
For ongoing change that sows blessings in fertile ground
For perfect love that perfects your image in me
You, My Lord, are my Only hope!!
The way things are in this old world, who do we place our hope in? Normally one will recap their year in Dec or maybe in January look back to the yr before. Well, I was asked the other day, how do you keep going after ALL that has happened to your family, your church, an so many other things.
I replied, first of all, I have the Lord who saved me and has given me strenght to get through the year. Also he is my hope, my peace, my joy, my strength, my comforter and I could go on.
Secondly I said, I have a husband who loves me and is there for me through the good and the bad.
Thirdly I have my church - Yes my church had some problems but you know what it's not that building - the church is the people.... Our church family has loved each other, cared for each other, encouraged. Yes, changes came but we still love each other!! We are a family!!
These are a few things I shared with this person. So it's not just who do you put your hope into, but who do lean on, depend on, look to, go to with all your cares, worries, hurts, blessings... GOD!!!
Yea, we had a rough year, no job for over 7 mo, BUT God took care of us!
Yes, we lost our house, BUT God provided another home.
Yes, we found out 9 months later we had to move again, BUT God opened a door that ONLY I believe ONLY he open.
Now we are serving in a country church where today, we started the Teen Soul Winning program!! God is Good!!!!!!
So don't worry about the bad, look on the Good!!

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