Tuesday, November 23, 2010

When you think....

Have you had a day where you felt all as falling apart? Where nothing was going right for you, your children, your husband? My former Preacher and my current preacher tells one who feels this way, to go and help someone else. Well, today things just seemed to not go right, my husband was given some bad news at work and it was just like why?

Well, we had 8 families we needed to go see this evening and because we did, Bill and I both came home feeling better about our lives!!! One family wouldn't of had Thanksgiving dinner had we not gone by, one mom needed someone to just listen and because Bill an I went by her home to give them a turkey we were able to help her. I'm not bragging about this, I'm simply saying, we did for others an our troubles all of a sudden weren't nearly as big.

Phil 4:19 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." We, Bill and I, don't know how things will work out for us, but we KNOW God will supply our need!! That's good enough for us, we'll cont to tithe, serve him in our church and help others. God will take care of everything else!!!

John 14:1 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me."
As we go through life we shouldn't let things trouble us. After all God gave his ONLY Son for us, and God has EVERYTHING under control. As long as you and I do what God has for us to do our troubles really are in God's hands and he walks hand in hand with us. We need to Thank the Lord for all he's done for us, for what he's given us as his children. So, "Let not your heart be troubled...."

I pray that as the Thanksgiving season approaches that if you feel down, discouraged or troubled, GO and do something for those less fortunate than you.
Happy Thanksgiving All.

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