If you are on Facebook you've seen all the "mushy" stuff I've been posting about our, Pastor Seavey/hubby and myself, marriage and how it's been wonderful being married to my awesome husband. Well, I want to say, it's not just mushy stuff it TRUE! So many marriages make it barely a yr while others go 20, 30, 50 some even to 75 yrs. My question is if a marriage can last 75 yrs why can't we learn from that couple? Or why can't we observe these couples who have been married ONE time and are still married to that ONE man or woman. Ladies, when the Bible says to leave and cleave guess what that's till death you part!
I saw this posted and Facebook and wanted to share it here because it takes all of my thoughts on marriage and sums it up:
Each of those points that are listed are 110% true! Today to the exact day and date is my 22nd anniversary. On 8/24/1991 when Dr Jack Hyles said, repeat after me, "in sickness and in health, (and I know I'm not quoting this exact) in poverty and in wealth till death do you part. Guess What? Bill and I meant EVERY WORD OF IT!! Have we had rough times? YES Have we had sickness? some but you know what we stayed right there by each others side. Have we had times where communication wasn't the best? Oh yea but then we're human that's to be expected, BUT we didn't let the issues of life pull us down. We didn't let it make us decided we no longer loved each other. Instead, we let those issues, those hard times pull us closer together. I could go into some things that were, lets say, well, lets just say many couples wouldn't of made it through them. Why? because if you don't have Christ at the center of your home, there are things that you won't make it through.
See when we got married, maybe even before, we decided that word Divorce was not in our vocabulary. To be honest I hate to even type it. When we said, "till death do us part." We meant that.
We stayed together through the good (top picture) and the bad *I'm laughing* (bottom picture).... It was windy out on the ocean....... so what can I say :D
Hebrews 13:4a "Marriage is honourable in all...."
Ephesians 4:6 & 7 "One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ."
God is all he is above all, even marriage! That is why Marriage in ONE Man PLUS ONE Woman! He also gives the grace needed to be with each other. He gives us grace to make it through each day, and I believe in that grace is understanding and getting along with your husband or wife.
I saw this posted and Facebook and wanted to share it here because it takes all of my thoughts on marriage and sums it up:
Each of those points that are listed are 110% true! Today to the exact day and date is my 22nd anniversary. On 8/24/1991 when Dr Jack Hyles said, repeat after me, "in sickness and in health, (and I know I'm not quoting this exact) in poverty and in wealth till death do you part. Guess What? Bill and I meant EVERY WORD OF IT!! Have we had rough times? YES Have we had sickness? some but you know what we stayed right there by each others side. Have we had times where communication wasn't the best? Oh yea but then we're human that's to be expected, BUT we didn't let the issues of life pull us down. We didn't let it make us decided we no longer loved each other. Instead, we let those issues, those hard times pull us closer together. I could go into some things that were, lets say, well, lets just say many couples wouldn't of made it through them. Why? because if you don't have Christ at the center of your home, there are things that you won't make it through.
See when we got married, maybe even before, we decided that word Divorce was not in our vocabulary. To be honest I hate to even type it. When we said, "till death do us part." We meant that.
We stayed together through the good (top picture) and the bad *I'm laughing* (bottom picture).... It was windy out on the ocean....... so what can I say :D
Friends if you are single, when the Lord sends the right person along you will know it! If you are married tough it out! Is it easy? not always. Is it always fun? no Are the trials and hardships worth it? YES! Is God in control? IF you allow him to be and then guess what you maybe in the valley in the marriage but the grass isn't any better in the next valley. IF you don't learn from that valley, the next one could be worse. Hebrews 13:4a "Marriage is honourable in all...."
Ephesians 4:6 & 7 "One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ."
God is all he is above all, even marriage! That is why Marriage in ONE Man PLUS ONE Woman! He also gives the grace needed to be with each other. He gives us grace to make it through each day, and I believe in that grace is understanding and getting along with your husband or wife.