Saturday, September 15, 2012


This past wkend we left our home church to move up to Maine to work in a church and to help my Father in law with his farm. A very, very special lady whom I call Mom H, gave me this card. I'm going to share part of it  with you. Family is so very important!!!

A family is made up
of people who are
so close
you don't have
to think twice
about what
you're going to say
you know
you'll be
It's people you love
so much
and care about so much
that you'd do anything
for them
It's people
you think of first
when you have
something wonderful
to share,
and the ones you turn to when you just
can't turn to anyone else.
You're all these things to me
and that's why
I don't think of you
as being like family
because in my heart,
you really are!!
When God brings a special person into your life, there's always a reason :) That is why Mom H is FAMILY!!
God looks at family as very important! Man and Woman, mother and child, father and son.... I'm so thankful for blood related family as well as though I call family because they are special to me an always will be in my heart!!

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