Saturday, August 6, 2011

Living by Faith....

Oh my I have lived by faith in the past but I tell you what, the last wk has been a real test of my faith. For those who may not of known, our life has literally been turned upside down. We started 2 mo. ago planning on a possible move to Maine, packing, letting people know that we may be leaving and so on and so forth.
About a wk after we start this plan, we are told we have to move out of our home because they want to sell and that we have 30 days. OH boy! So we are thinking ok the Lord is leading and things are happening in such a way, it must be God's will.
Then a wk ago yesterday (Friday) we learn we are NOT going to Maine! Now we have no home, thankfully Bill still had his job, but we had ONLY 2 wks to find a place a live. Well we now have 5 days and NOTHING!!
This ole gal's faith is wavering, even though I know through faith God will take care of us.
I just keep trusting my Lord as I go along....
He will never leave me nor forsake me..... this includes he won't leave me homeless.
My faith looks up to Thee,

Are you living by faith? Do you allow God to do with you what is best?
You know, the last 2 months I have cried alot, I have prayed alot and YES I have doubted. You say, You doubted? Why?
I'm human just like you. I doubted that we were really seeing what God wanted us to see. Now though I see it as God wanted to see if we were willing to the comfort we are in. If we were willing to go to another church, and serve as we do here. Once we ALL, myself included said, "Ok Lord wherever you want us we'll serve." Everything changes and we are staying right here where we are a BIG part of our church. I don't understand why things happen the way they do, but I do know by putting my faith in God and letting go of my life, He knows what we need.

As I close I have a prayer request, we literally have 5 days to find a place to live and thus far nothing has opened up. We do have 1 home that is a possibility. Please if you would join us in prayer that we can find a home within our budget and that it's what God wants us to have.

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