Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths!
This is one of many verses out of Proverbs that I love. Trust in the Lord, do we really put our trust in the Lord? I know as Christians we say, yes I trusted in him to save me. What about since you became a Christian, since you asked him to forgive you of your sins and to live within you. Do you trust him?

The other day one of my children made the statement (not to me) that he didn't trust them. You know once you get to where you can't trust someone it takes a LONG time to regain that trust! God wants us to trust in him for everything from what shoes to wear to what he would have us do with our lives. We simply need to TRUST IN THE LORD!

With all thine heart, do we trust with our whole heart or just part of it?
In all thy ways acknowledge him, do you acknowledge God in ALL your ways, in ALL that you do from day to day? Pretty tough one to say yes to. I want to say, Yes I always trust in the Lord w/my whole heart. I ALWAYS acknowledge him....However how many people would cont. to read my post if I said that?! Not many I promise you. I'm not perfect and there are times when I fail. How about you?

He shall direct thy paths, Do you allow the Lord direct thy path. You know I've done this for years and just this morning I did (again I don't always do this I am human) Prayed that as I went to work he would direct my paths (words, actions etc). I also prayed that the Lord would lead to make the right purchases at the store later today so I don't waste money. Do you allow the the Lord to direct thy paths?

Just a quick thought. I pray all have a tremendous day today.

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