Sunday, February 27, 2011

Do you have a Meek and Quiet Spirit?

Good Afternoon friends. I pray that today has been a wonderful day for you. For our family it's been a bitter sweet day. If the read the post, from this morning it tells a little about my Mother in law. I'm putting an intro to the up-coming series that will be starting this wk.

I Peter 3:1-4 "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
                      While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
                      Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
                      But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."

If you notice in I Peter we are told how to help our husbands even how to show them the way to God, if they are unsaved. *We are told how to help them in the area's where they "obey not the word."

We also see how these instructions are for the wife and mother, will NOT help our loved ones,

1. We're going to look at what will NOT help our husbands spiritually:
Be careful what you say, because you don't want to be a nagging wife. All that will do is hurt a marriage and your husband will it as preaching, not helping him out.

2. Our outward appearance will NOT help our husbands spiritually:
Now, first let me say your appearance is important, you should look nice for your husband. *However, styling the hair with a lovely hairstyle and wearing the beautiful clothes and jewelry will do little to help a man grow spiritually.  If you are so worried about how you look you will be unloving and unaffectionate and one who doesn't allow her family to "mess up" her appearance.

What WILL help your husband spiritually:
1. Our Chaste conversation WILL help our family spiritually:
What does Chaste mean: Pure from fault, modest or holy.
Conversation means behaviour.
Words won't necessarily help our family but being modest, pure and holy (right) behaviour says alot to a family.
Dr Wendall Evans says, "Your walk talks and talk talks but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.
As mothers we should pray daily that we are the right kind of example for our children. That we are what God wants us to be for our husbands.

2. The "hidden man of the heart" or our spirit WILL help our family spiritually:
a. One spirit is positive or a rejoicing spirit.
How can you be positive or rejoice? One is through scripture memorization, having a daily walk with God and time of prayer daily. This will cause you to have the positive spirit and able to rejoice. Also be careful whom you fellowship with daily. If the people you daily fellowship with are negative maybe you need to make changes in your life.
b. The other is a consistent spirit.
You say, consistent?? YES if we aren't consistent in what we do we show our family that it's not important to always be positive or to always rejoice.
Are you teaching your children or showing your husband inconstintancy?

3. A Meek spirit WILL help our family spiritually:
I Peter chapter three means "gentle or a soothing disposition."
Did you ever think that your gentleness would make your husband great?!
Psalm 18:35b says, '...Thy gentleness hath made me great."
Meek means "even" Did you know as a meek wife and mother you will see all as equal. You are not superior to your children, and your not inferior to your husband. So being a meek (even) wife/mother you are willing to serve them.

4. A Quiet spirit WILL help her family spiritually:
Quiet spirit means tranquillity arising from within, causing no disturbance to others.
How are you when your husband comes in from work?
Meek and Quiet?
Wound and Loud?
Peaceful and calm?
Mad or hard to please?
The word quiet also means no disturbance to others.

You may be quiet in spirit but what do your words say? Do they say things such as:
"I have no rights!"
"Nobody appreciates me."
I wish someone would notice all the work that I do around here."

The book I am taking some of my material from is titled the "A Meek and Quiet Spirit" As I take you through this series of lessons, we will look at the New Testament women. It was written by Mrs Cindy Hyles Schaap.

The meek and quiet spirit is something we ALWAYS need to work on! So as we start these lessons this next wk lets see what we can change in our homes and how we can better our own spirits so that our family WILL benefit from it!

*taken from a Meek and Quiet Spirit.

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