Thursday, February 17, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 21 of 24

WOW!! I can't believe we're already up to lesson 21.... I have enjoyed studying this topic and working on the post each morning. I pray you have enjoyed them also.

Titus 2:4-5 "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good...."

*A Good woman is guine, joyful, virtuous, valuable, competent, ready, kind, benevolent, merciful, hardworking, agreeable, pleasant, congenial, honorable, faithful, gracious and wise.
WOW that's a lot for a Good woman to be. You know though as you go through your day if you have this list posted say in your kitchen and when you've done one put a check by it each time. You'll be surprised how many of these you do without even thinking about it. Then at the end of your day take note of the ones you didn't do so well on that day and have a goal of doing them the next day or over a period of time.

You know, good is as good does! *James Hamilton described goodness this way:
Goodness is love in action
Goodness is love carrying medicine to the sick etc
Goodness is love to the SS Class
Just to name a few and you can add to each of those things. Like Love in can love be shown through action??
Love in helping the sick etc.
Love in other area's of your church.

Proverbs 12:4 "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones."
You say but, "I stay home day in and day out doing around the house caring for the children, then my husband comes in plops down in the recliner and does NOTHING!! Why should I be a "crown" for him?! However here's the question for you...Why should you be his crown?
1. By doing this your children will rise up and call you blessed.
2. By doing this your husband will see your love for him and he will love and appreciate you.
3. By doing this you are raising a comfortable place for your family.
4. Most importantly you are doing as God tells you to do. This will help her husband to come to God, if you have an unsaved husband.

Prover 12:4 "...but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones." Are you a ball and chain woman??
**Spend money you really shouldn't spend. Doesn't want to cook dinner would rather spend more money by going out to eat. Never makes sure there's food in the house so you can prepare a meal.
**You could be married to a man who is attentive and cares for his children, BUT you want to run around all day while your husband is busy at work. Leaving the children with a sitter so YOU don't have to care for them. Then when the children "go bad" who gets the blame....the father! You have the ball and chain that is slowly pulling him backwards for every good step he takes forward.
**Maybe you are married to a man who is honest of high integrity, yet his wife uses others peoples resources and is irresponsible which pull both of them down where they are neither one highly regarded. Your husband will love you but you are rottenness in his bones.

You can be a good woman but if you carry the ball and chain in any of the above area's it makes it where your husband cannot make up for your deficits. You can make your husband where he becomes a loser, because you are rottenness in his bones he many times looses all hopes.

Good women are prudent:
>A prudent wife is not dumb
>A prudent wife not lazy
>A prudent wife does not waste her time
>A prudent wife is a learner

Are you a Prudent wife??

A Good woman is Virtuous:
Proverbs 31 teaches on a Virtuous woman.

A good woman is crowned with Knowledge:
Proverbs 14:18 "The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge."
Being Prudent is growing in knowledge.
Proberbs 18:15 "The heart of teh prudent getteth knowledge: and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.
Proberbs 16:21 "The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning"
The wise in heart - are you wise in how you do and act from day to day.

A Good Woman is a doing Woman:

Proverbs 18:9 :He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster."
Are you this type of woman the verse mentions.
OR are you a productive woman as Proverbs 31 speaks of. Not wasting time, getting things done.

*taken from "Created to be His Help Meet"
**parts of it are from the above mentioned book.

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