Saturday, February 19, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 23 of 24

Good Morning, how has the challenges that have been given helped you? I would love to hear from some of you on how these lessons may of helped you.

Here we are on lesson 23 and it's so hard to believe we're about to close it out. I believe that whether these have helped anyone they have been a big help for me. I have not only been writing these for others but for myself.
Here's the next question for you: To obey or NOT to obey?
When should we NOT obey: *The Bible gives us an example of a circumstance under which it is inappropriate for a wife to obey her husband.
Acts 4:1-10 (read before cont with lesson)
*This book would not be complete without addressing the subject of what a woman should do if she knows her husband is breaking the law of God and man, or that his sin may bring imprisonment to her, or that his sinful actions may bring death to her or the children-as in contracting AIDS from him.
So my question is there a time when a wife should NOT obey her husband?  *Since this is a doctrinal issue, Debi Pearl asked her husband to to do the next part. When NOT to obey.

*Michael Pearl Contributes
1. All Authority Belongs to God
Acts 5:29 "We ought to obey God rather than men"
2. Spheres of Authority*In those areas where God has delegated someone to be in authority, he has relinquished a certain amount of control to that authority-for better or for worse. God does not micromanage all spheres of authority. He allows certain latitude for the authority to be wrong and still retain the office.
Our entire lives are bound up in a chain of command. We must answer to others, who in turn, must answer to God.
3. Jesus Taught Spheres of Authority:
Matthew 22:15-22 "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's"
This simply means that the government has a jurisdiction, and God has his jurisdiction. There is no conflict regarding each it it's sphere or authority.
*The principle would apply to all delegated authority: police, judges, governors, presidents, kings, husbands, churches, and parents over their children.
*The secret is to know from scripture the extent of the jurisdiction God has delegated to each authority.
4. The Husbands Sphere of Authority
Render therefore unto your husband that which is your husband's  "...unto God the things that are God's."
Did you realize that God gives husbands a realm of authority that he is given a certain power?
Ecclesiastes 7:20 "For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth not."
Ladies, we need remember our husbands are human also! They make mistakes.
Enduring Suffering Wrongfully
Read I Peter 13-23
In these verse it shows how the Bible is clear and where we should submit and obey in what area's (this is a rather lengthy portion of this lesson) If you would like to know more on this please feel free to contact me. Or you may order Mrs Debi Pearls book and ready Chapter 23.

My husband doesn't want me to go church!
Well, you should obey your husband! The Bible doesn't say Thou shalt go to church. We need the Christian fellowship and preaching, but you know you can get the preaching on tapes/CD's now days and the fellowship you choose your friends correctly you can have good Christian fellowship. Now IF you can go, By ALL MEANS be in church!!

*If a wife has an attitude of rebellion, she can find a thousand different exceptions to obedience. But  if a woman is really seeking God and asking for wisdom from on high, she will be able to discern the difference between her own controlling spirit and those rare instances that a husband may command outside his sphere of authority-requiring legal intervention.

*To obey him with disappointment and reluctance is not obedience; it is revenge.

This lesson today was a little tough to know what to say. The majority of it came from "Created to Be His Help Meet"
When it comes to this subject, My husband, Praise the Lord, has never asked me to do or not to do something against the Bible and God. So it was hard to put together. I pray in some way though it will be of help to someone.

*Reflecting on To Obey or Not to Obey
Traits of a Good Help Meet:
An obedient wife is yielding, willing and eager to accomplish injunctions or desires, and abstains from that which is forbidden
She looks for ways to obey and reverence her husband
She channels her mind into positive ways of saying, Yes
She never considers herself to be an exception to the rule of being a help meet.

Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."

*taken from "Created to be His Help Meet"

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