Thursday, April 4, 2013

Listening to the Holy Spirit

 I was asked this past week I don't post here daily. I thought I'd share why I don't post daily.
See I could come on here and post just anything, but would it be "Paula-ology" or would it what the Lord has laid on my heart?" See, there's been times I sat down to blog but didn't have a theme, or scripture and I knew that Holy Spirit hadn't laid anything specific on my heart.

There are times that I've finished my devotions and knew I needed to share what I had learned. You may ask well, don't you need to always share what you learned? The answer to that could go either ways, but sometimes what I've learned is personal for what I need that day. See, I had to explain to someone very dear to me that I don't share EVERYTHING on facebook, on my blog, because NOT everything needs to be shared.

Yes I share a lot because God tells us to share his word, to go into the highways and hedges giving the gospel. It doesn't tell me to share every little thing of my life with the world.

Mrs Hyles, wrote a book titled "Life viewed from Goldfish Bowl" (I believe the title is correct) anyway, as a Pastors wife my life is no longer just mom of 5 wonderful children and wife to the greatest man ever. It's now become this:
You may laugh and say your not a gold fish and we're not a cat.... but in some ways a Pastors family is that gold fish and the people or "cats" watching very closely what we're doing. So in our lives even though we're human just like all others we are watched extra, and closer.
I wish I could of found Mrs Hyles book to put a few of her quotes on here, but my books are still in storage *smile as I patiently wait for us to move into our own home.
So when I don't post regularly I'm wanting the Holy Spirit to lead in what I will say. This actually took a rabbit trail from where I was headed but if I write what Paula wants to say and not what the Lord would have me say, I may say something wrong or miss leading.
So it's not that I don't want to share things with you, it's I'm waiting on the Holy Spirit, maybe I'm slow or don't always listen, but I want to make sure all I say, write, type, do if see from a out side the goldfish bowl, it can't be said she's just like the world.
Which reminds me of something my Preacher/husband preached on Wed night out of I Peter 1:2 ~ he said we are to be sanctified. What does that mean? It's simply that we are set apart. Set apart for what? You need to seek the Lord's guidance what does he have you set apart for?
Maybe you have been set apart, sanctified to be a piano player, or sing in a choir, or be a nursery worker. Maybe the Lord wants to set you apart to be a school teacher, bus worker, a Pastor, Missionary, maybe the Pastors wife. You'll never know unless you set apart a time to study your Bible, Pray and seek the Holy Spirits leading. I'm not perfect by no means, I just want to be and do the best I can for my Lord and if being separated, sanctified and Holy spirit lead is what it takes, I'll through Christ do the best I can to be that.
Although not always fun, are you willing to be in the fish bowl?
 Are you willing to be watched VERY closely?

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