Friday, April 11, 2014

Be content

OUCH! Be content your told.... is that always easy? I don't think so. Contentment -
a state of happiness and satisfaction.

In general I would say we are all happy, usually satisfied. But being content all the time. Is it easy? No it's not but the Bible tells us in: 

Philippians 4:11  "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."

You will notice that I have underlined, made bold, highlighted and italicized the phrase "...therewith to be content." Why you ask? Well, there have been events in our lives that we, you and I, may not be content with but have you ever stopped to think, God brought us to it, be content because, He WILL take you through it.

This won't be long or elaborate but let me share with you, if you don't do as Philippians 4:11 says and be content, you will be miserable! I realize that when it says "state" it doesn't mean the 48 continuous states. But in this particular situation I'm going to use state, as in where you live.

Has God placed in the balmy, warm Southern states? Has he placed you in the Midwest in Tornado alley? Has he placed you out west where there's desert and lots of wild fires? Or has he placed in the North where there's more cool days than not? No matter what part of the US you are in, if you are there because God sent you there BE CONTENT!

I'm talking to children, teens and adults. You may have struggles which we will all have. You may feel no one understands your situation. Maybe you feel that you've been forgotten by all. Friend, God hasn't forgotten you, he understands your situation and he wants to be there for your struggles. Are you going to allow him to be the God of god's in your life.

I'm currently dealing with a situation that if I'm not careful could make me as an adult to become discontented. However, with God's help and with prayer and the Bible this girl isn't going to become discontented because I know without a doubt that God has placed our family in the state of Maine and there's a purpose behind it." What's that purpose, to be a witness for him and to plant the seed of salvation in as many lives as we can. If our family allows discontentment to set it, who will have won? Satan! That is something I DO NOT WANT!

Friend, "...whatsoever state I am therewith to be content." Are you going to follow the scriptures?
Just a thought for each and everyone of us to consider and ponder.

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