Monday, November 4, 2013

Where is your heart?

Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel. God tells us to go, does that mean to another country, no not necessarily. We are to take the gospel to Jerusalem (your neighborhood), Judaea (your state), Samaria (your country) and the utter most parts (foreign field) of the earth. We find where this is talked about in Acts 1:8.

So where is your heart? Is it focused on me, myself, an I? Or is it focused on what can I do for the shut in's of my area, or what could I do for that new family in town, maybe what could you do for the state you live in or the country you live in. There is so much you and I can do without leaving our country such as giving to a Missionary in Zimbabwe or in Africa.

Where is your heart? "Ye are the light of the world...." If we don't tell of others of Christ how will the know, how will they go?

Here's a few things that you as Individual can do for others:
~Read your Bible for guidance
~Give to Missions
~Send a card/care package
~Take a meal to a shut in
~Take someone to the store who doesn't have a car.
~Pray for all~

This is just a few things, if your church has a Missionary Society/Circle be a part of it.
These are just a few things that we can do and have our Heart in the right place!  

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