Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Are you Pleasing God through study and work?

We are nearing the end of the month, are you up to date on your Bible reading? It's not to late to start... on the right hand side of my blog is a schedule your welcome to print off and use.

Remember we are to study the Bible, meditate on His word and through that we will grown in the Lord.


"Study to shew thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed...."
Ok, honestly who likes to study? I will be honest with you, I don't especially Science and Math. As kids we had to study our lessons or we didn't pass our classes, and might I add, that was one thing that my parents were really hard on me for, Studying!  I didn't like it at all! Unfortunately my grades showed it too. However I eventually got the idea if I wanted mom and dad happy I better study :)

We can take that same word, Study, and apply it spiritually as it is used in the verse. We are to study Gods Word! When we do this we are making God very pleased. Just as when I finally realized, that spankings, or being grounded was not worth not studying, I took and study to be "approved" of by parents. Study the Bible, memorize it, let it become you. Just as you read any book and many times you can quote word for word what you read, make your Bible even more so that way!!

"...a workman that needeth not to be ashamed...." When you work, are people amazed by your work or the lack of work? Over the past 19 yrs my boys have been taught to work. I love the idea that my 19 yr old who's living away from home now, still works and does as he was trained. Did they always work as they should? Of course not, they are children. Some time ago, one of my boys was asked to do a job, and because it was a job he didn't care for he didn't do his best. The person who had asked 3 of my children to help him came to us and said, I would ask 2 of your children to work for me again, but I will not have this one. Now this particular child has since changed the way he works. Why? Well one he knew that as a Seavey child and considering who his daddy is that was a bad thing! Now that same child is looked to by friends, family and others as a hard worker and he has no reason to be ashamed because he works hard and does his best.

Our work for the Lord should be the same, to where we need not be ashamed or worried about what others will think, mostly what the Lord thinks. So when you go about your day, and an opportunity arises that you can witness to someone be a workman of God and do as he would have you do. As a choir member, piano player, nursery worker, evangelist, missionary, pastor work to where there no need to be ashamed. We are to be "A workman that needeth not to be ashamed"

So lets all "study to shew thyself approved" as well as "a workman that needeth not to be ashamed."

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