Monday, March 19, 2012

A good name....

Proverbs 22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

Do you have a good name?
When people think of your name what do they think of?
It doesn't matter what your name is, it should be bring good thoughts not Oh no you don't want that person to  _________ and whatever it is.

Did you know that when you do things while your out an about that your name is either being lifted up or drug through the mud.

So put your name here _________ and see what you think people would say.
I'm going to use my son for an example (I'm not boasting just showing you what a person can do with their name).

Paul Seavey IV - this is what I'm told by people when they hear his name:
hard worker
will use him again if I have a job that needs to be done
You need help, call Paul Seavey IV
That's just a little of what I hear as I go about from day to day.
My son asked a young lady's father if he could take this young girl to the Jr Sr Banquet here is what the Father said, "Paul, I would be honored for my daughter to go with you to the banquet!" WOW!!! His dad and I were very Proud to hear that from another father concerning his daughter!!!!

Now here's a situation we are not so happy with (this son has made changes but because of one misunderstanding with a prominent man in our church i wasn't good)
_______ Seavey - no you don't want him to work for you. He will tell you NO......
Now all this came from a simple misunderstanding. Now since this incident things have changed but imagine how my son felt when that got a round. It's taken 2 yrs to change that.

Sometimes it takes a life time to change what your name means to people. So WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK OF WHEN YOUR NAME COMES UP????

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