Monday, April 4, 2011

Shipwrecks in Relationships

Not everyone is good at holding or having relationships! But you can avoid having a shipwreck in the relationship. Just remember one of the most important things in our lives as Christians, wives and mothers is relationships.

Direct Quote from Mrs Corle book: "The closer you are, the less it takes to hurt you. But when you're hurt, don't retreat to stay away. Retreat, recover, renew, reload and RETURN good as new to begin once again to obey the Lord's instructions concerning this relationship. Keep a "Don't Quit -- Won't Quit' attitude and outlook, and don't ever allow despair to take over and make your decisions. Remember that you've the Captain of this relation-ship and you've got to keep steering it in the right direction."

You may say, but I can only patch up my relationships so much. This may be true, but our Captain the Holy Spirit of God can patch and re-patch as long as we allow him!!! The Great Physician is capable of doing so much we just block him from doing those things he wants. He WON"T force himself on you. You need to ask!!!

Ephesians 4:26-27 "Be ye angry, and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil."
This verse is for ALL forgiveness! In your all relationships:
Church etc

Marriage - If you let the sun go down without making things right with your marriage. You will start the next day, with strife. This can and will be very bad for a marriage!
Motherhood - You need to train your children that have a clear conscience when you go to bed, helps you sleep better and it keeps wall from building up with pains.
Friends - true friends won't want that wall to come between them and you want to face them the next time knowing that all is forgiven between the two.
Church family - Most people from church you see 2 days a wk. It would be terrible for something to happen and you never made things right with that person you only see once in a while.

Sorry my computer does things on it's on or something I can't figure out some of what it does LOL

Anyway back to our lesson: We all need to learn to "Live one day at a time" Don't worry about yesterday, it's the past. Don't worry about tomorrow because there's always that chance tomorrow won't come and you'll have a wasted a day worrying!

Forgiveness means you deal with each situation  and each day one at a time, and then really forgive and let it go as if it never happened! That's true forgiveness and that's how God forgives!!

Changing the direction a little in things do you like to collect things? Did you know you can collect things through relationships and not material things....Why not choose to collect some good and positive things: happy memories, blessings from the Lord, answers to prayer, spiritual victories.
Don't be a drudge collector.

Remember if the devil can destroy relationship, he also can destroy our lives!!!
I like the saying I've heard many times (not sure who said) Friends (relationships) come and go in our livesSome for time then they are gone, Some for a period of time (maybe a few months or yrs) then others are for a life time! In these relationships keep them fresh and alive. Don't stay away because your feelings are hurt, don't let Satan destroy you or the relationship by allowing him to sneak in with heartache, unforgiveness.

Friends are friends for ever if the Lord is Lord of them!!!
Relationships are Relationships for ever if the Lord is Lord of them!!!

1 comment:

Completely7 said...

Thanks for this study. I have passed it along. what a blessing.