Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Having a Meek and Quiet Spirit 8 of 23

Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday, my son Samuel had a rather unique day. He is doing better but very sore.

Today's lesson is about, "Giving It All" we'll learn from the Widow's Mite
Mark 12:44 "For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living."

Read Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4
In the story of the Widow and her 2 mites she gave all she had, yes others were giving this lady gave her all! Jesus saw this and was impressed with what she had done. Do you give your all?
This can be applied in so many area's. Do you give your all as a wife, mom, teacher, employee whatever you may do, do you give your all?

Meekly and humbly I give my life,
Like a child who has nothing more to bring,
Sweetly and kindly You accept my gift,
Like a mother who wants no better thing.

My life is one, small thing,
It's all I have to bring,
But You'll take my small thing
For all You wanted is my heart.

1. Those who are lacking are better able to give their all to God.
I Corinthians 1:26-29
*God can use the rich people to be a Biblical example of giving. Not everyone could be helped by them. He needed someone who lacked.

2. God wants our weaknesses more than he wants our talents.
*I wish that all wives and mothers would be more Christ-like and accept the lack of their husbands and children as readily as they accept their strenghts. As mothers we should do a heap more praising and accepting than she does nagging and scolding.

I love this next statement written here: *A mother should not worry about her image as a parent. She should do her best to train her children, especially when they are young. Then she should accept her children, knowing they will not be perfect just as their mother is NOT perfect.

3. When we give our weakness to God, He notices.
You know when you give your all to God, he sees that! It also grieves him when we as wives and mothers don't recognize our children's efforts. Or when we don't recognize our husbands efforts. We to not be so quick to ridicule but to praise.

4. When we give our lack to God, it causes us to depend upon Him.
When I think about this statement, I go back to when we were traveling the US and Canada. We didn't have the means to do this, BUT we gave it all to God and said you can take care of us we are depending on you to take care of us. There was time after time that we tithed and knew we didn't have the money to buy food or gas to get to our next meeting. However we always made it and we never went hungry.

Depend on God to provide in the area's you lack!

5. Jesus does not want from others what they do not have.
Just as Jesus doesn't expect things from us we dont' have. We should do the same with our children! Why do we expect things that are to high for them. Our expectations are to high, think of your child, husband, or loved one. Have the Meek and Quiet Spirit and realize your loved ones can only give what they have!!

6. When we give our all to God, He notices and causes others to notice for generations to come.
WOW!! Generations to come will notice!! So everything we can give for the Glory of God should be done!!!
Mothers - GIVE IT ALL
Teachers - GIVE IT ALL
Daughter - GIVE IT ALL
it matters not who you are GIVE IT ALL for God's glory!!!

*taken from a "A meek and Quiet Spirit"

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