Sunday, November 14, 2010

Be Careful for nothing....

Philippians 4:6-7 "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

I was talking with a friend, and shared some things with her about some situations. The way that we, or anyone can come through any situation, dealing with our sins, Satan or anything is to, "Be careful for nothing...." What does this mean? I say this because there is so much wrong and bad out in the world that we can't be TO careful. We need to warn our children, grandchildren, friends, family and even those whom we don't know of the evils that are out in the world.

I have a dear friend who does just that through her web site, however in the last several months she's been down due to health issues and hasn't been able to reveal things that we as Christians sometimes miss or ignore. I'm stepping up and sharing something that I believe could be a help to someone. There are movies out there that are absolutely satanic and evil. As a teen I was introduced to some pretty scary things and because of it for about a month I lived not knowing what was happening. Why didn't I understand it, I had never been exposed to witchcraft before I was 18, I had never seen or heard much about how Satan can enter your mind and if let go can destroy you. I was a college student at a Bible College went home for Thanksgiving with another college student and several of our friends. The girls that were Preachers kids (me being one) was mocked because we couldn't/wouldn't go to a theatre. So they brought the evil to the house. Because of that I had some rough days, wks and yes at least a mo. ahead of me. God as my witness I came through some things that some people would probably say, that isn't possible. It is and I know it is. My children to this day do NOT watch things such as, Nightmare on Elm Street, Harry Potter, Twilight and whatever else is out there. I don't want or need Satan interfering with my family. We are a Christian family, trying to live for our Lord serving him and doing what God would have us to do. If we allow Satan to interfere through toys, books and movies we are leading our children in the WRONG direction. I'm not going into any more detail at this time about things but I will say, ANY movie, book, game or even toy that is based on Satan is WRONG!!!! It can and WILL destroy people! This is why I say and the most importantly the Bible says, "Be careful for NOTHING!...." We need to pray, depend, look to and stay away from that which is evil as much as humanly possible.

If you are offended by this, I don't apologize except to say, PLEASE do your homework. Learn what is really out there in the world and what we are letting destroy our families!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head!!! I know that satan is real and not just because it says so in the Bible! There is a part of my past that none of my Christian friend know about. Only to say he is real and will DESTROY anyone that let's him!!
I know people, "Christians" that if a stranger comes into church and talks about things they don't understand or say that they have seen demons or even have gone to a different church that don't believe the way we do, the "Christians" will say I'm not talking to her, I dealt with on crazy lady before I'm not doing that again! I'm just thankful that someone took me under their wings and taught me somethings!!! At least now I can help others in different situations!! And it has helped me to KNOW how much Jesus loves me!!!
Keep on guard and protect your family!!!
Love ya!