Friday, September 30, 2011

More to be desired....

What do you desire?
Psalm 19:10 "More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb."

In school we started learning Psalm 19: 7-11 which has been put to song (you don't want to hear me sing *smile) but I was going over the verses with my boys and we were discussing a few things, when one of them, being a boy, made a rather un-desirable sound. One of his brothers was like, you know there are other things that are more desirable than what you did! I got to thinking about that.
What things do we say, do, par-take in, listen to, that is less desirable than what God would want us to say, do, listen to etc?

My son was being your regular 13 yr old boy making disgusting noises with his arm pits. To me an one of his siblings it wasn't desirable. When I spoke with him later about it, I asked him what about that is desirable to you? He simply said, "It's fun."
Friend, soul-winning, reading our Bible, praying, going to church, working in a ministry should be "fun" it should be desirable!

We are told in the Bible "to go out and preach the gospel to EVERY creature!" We are told to go into the highways, and byways to tell others of Christ. Is it always something we desire to do? Nope! I'll be honest when it comes to some things, it's NOT in my comfort zone so therefore it's NOT a desire! Teaching is a desire, I'm in my comfort zone, sitting a doing my blog is desirable, I'm in my comfort zone.
Going out knocking on a total strangers door to ask him if he were to die to day, yes it's desirable BUT it's NOT in my comfort zone. So what do I do?

I take PS 19:10 More to be desired (those going to heaven whom I witness too and accept the free gift; that's desirable)
are they than gold (salvation is better than spending money on earthly possessions when someone could live in Heaven for eternity)
yea than much fine gold (all the gold in the world won't be desirable after the rapture)
sweeter also than honey (the desire of God are sweeter than honey!)
and the honeycomb. (I love a good honeycomb, but that won't matter if I'm not desirable for me Lord)

This is pretty simple, basic thought, but are you desirable?
Is what you say, do, the way you dress is that desirable to the Lord?

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