Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Adding to or Taking away

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed."

Are our children adding to their knowledge or taking away from it? This morning during our Math class one of the kids was doing a problem where he had to work the ( ) first then had to add and subtract. He was not really complaining just wanting to know why he couldn't add first then do the ( ) then subtract. So I said, ok you try it your way and I'll do the way it says to do it. We'll see who comes up w/the right answer.

Well, after some work we compared answers and with him having done the problem incorrectly his answer was off by 2. Not bad but incorrect. Then I showed him step by step the correct way to work the problem and we came up with the correct answer. This is why I ask, 'Is your children adding to his knowledge or taking away from it?"

If we go through our Christian life doing things "our" way we won't learn the "test" the Lord has set before us and we won't be "adding" to our knowledge. I love the verse, "Study to shew thyself approved...." Are we looking for approval? No not really we are looking to become a workman that doesn't need not to be ashamed.

I have one son, he will work and work and work. He studies hard, turns in all his work and is learning the importance of his responsibilities. He has gained respect of many people here at the our church. Why? He studied, he wasn't ashamed to put forth his best and then he increased (added) knowledge.

Now, I have another son, who's the opposite. He doesn't want to work. He doesn't want to do his schooling and if I'd let him he'd sleep till noon. Has he added to or taken away from his knowledge? Well, in some area's he's taken away. He has because of some problems made it where people do not always come to him for help. I've applied to this little Math idea to his situation and he has started to "add" to his knowledge.

So what are you teaching your children?
Are they being taught to:
be lazy?
have an I don't care attitude?
to work hard?
to not be ashamed and study/work hard at all things?

Just a little thought that came to me while teaching my son how to follow what is taught and do the work right.

Have a great day ALL!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a homshool mom and greatly appreciate your post on home schooling and how to do or not do things.

I have 9 children
17 grad this yr.
16 a Jr
14 a 9th grader
2 - 12 yr olds 6th grade
10 4th grade
2 -7 yr olds 2nd grade
2 yr old

Thank you for your encouraging words. Janice